AITI structure

تعداد بازدید : 8708
تاریخ انتشار : ۱۳۹۴/۹/۱۵

At the present, Association of Iran Textile Industries follows its objectives by its Board of Directors and different specialized committees. Consulting with concerned authorities of objectives of the Association, it analyses present problems of this industry and announces its viewpoints. In fact management method of the Association of Iran Textile Industries will be guided this way. We can proudly say that today most of members in different fields of production are members of at least one of the specialized committees of the Association.
Organizational formation of the Association forms different sub – collections. General Assembly is the highest element of the Association which Introduction is held ordinary once a year and will be held extraordinary if necessary.
Then the Board of Directors is at the highest position.
After the Board of Directors, specialized committees are located at organizational hierarchy of the Association. At the present, Specialized Committees are divided into two groups: The first group is formed based on different kinds of products manufactured by the Association’s members and the second one handles discussing subjects in meetings. Machine Made Carpet & Semi - Worsted Yarns, Cotton Spinning & Weaving, Bandage, Gauze and Hydrophilic Cotton, Apparel Floor Covering & Nonwovens, Home Textiles As: Blanket, Bedding Goods, Curtain Fabrics, Furniture Covering, Towel &... ,High Bulk Yarns and Woolen & Worsted Spinning & Weaving Fibers and Synthetic Yarns Producers, Printing, Finishing and Dyeing Companies are from first Committee and Raw Material Committee A - Natural B-Synthetic - Tax, Banking and Customs Affairs Export Development - Education, Research & Statistics - Establishment of Association Offices in other parts of the country , Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution - Labor and Social Security - Handling Imports and Determining Tariffs are types of the second Committees who form meetings at the place of the Association on scheduled programs. Members of central section of each committee have been elected out of an enormous number of the Directors of the same branch of industry

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